5 Rules of Road Tripping

The Five rules of road tripping         

1. Every time you see a cow you must hold your nose and say cow alert.

2. You must have at least 3 articles of junk food in the car at all times.  Buccees is a great place to get these 3 articles.

3. Every time you see a volkswagen bug, you must punch the person next to you in the shoulder and say punchbuggie no returns.

4. Every time you pass a graveyard you have to hold your breath so you don’t swallow ghosts.  Ghosts are very scary and swallowing would be freaky deaky.

5. You cannot mention any bathroom urges until after you are in the middle of nowhere with no civilization in sight.  It is rude to actually stop at a real bathroom  duh!


We posted this list as a permanent part of our site at  http://www.roadtrippingforkids.com/carfun.htm